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Jack Brumfield President of Southeast Church Interiors
As the third generation of Brumfield's in the Church Design/Build industry, Jack's passion is a desire to see the kingdom of God grow. While majoring in Biblical Studies at William Carey Univesity, Jack thought that he would go on to be a pastor. However, God had a very different calling. Instead, he was to work with pastors and church leadership in order to help their ministry flourish. During the design and consulting phase, Jack always seeks to answer the question of how will this help your church do ministry more effectively.
Jack Brumfield
Hal Brumfield Vice President of Church Design for Southeast Church Interiors
As the second generation of Brumfield's in the Church Design/Build industry, Hal's experience over the past 40+ years in designing churches is extensive to say the least. As one of the most prolific church architects in the Southeastern US, Hal takes a hands on approach in every facet of the design phase.  Nothing is delegated to junior architects. Instead, each and every church project receives the same unparalleled expertise and professionalism. The result is consistent, high-caliber architecture that marries function and design seamlessly, while remaining in budget.
Hal Brumfield, AIA CCCA CSI
Vice President 
Lorie Brumfield Director of Marketing for Southeast Church Interiors
Lorie and Jack have been married for 14 years and have 4 amazing boys together. Before coming aboard the family business, Lorie was successfully marketing to fortune 500 companies and C-suite executives. It was a no brainer to steal her away from big corporate America to focus on work that will help make a difference in the lives of churches across the Southeast. Since then, Lorie has done incredible work in reaching out and building relationships with churches, as so many churches are unaware that a company like Southeast Church Interiors is available to them.
However, she is not all business. Lorie's real passion is discipling other women and she is also a well-known Christian Youtuber.  
Lorie Brumfield

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Southeast Church Interiors, LLC.

1050 Northpark Drive, Suite C  Ridgeland, Mississippi  39157

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Copyright 2022 - All Rights Reserved

All projects shown were partially or fully managed, designed, and/or performed by members of the Southeast Church Interiors team and/ or crews as a prime contractor or as a subcontractor under a third party prime contractor.

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